Remove Facial Acne Scars
One of the unpleasant ramifications of acne is the resulting scarring that can occur. This is particularly the case where you have cystic acne as I did.
Once the acne is cleared, it often leaves behind pockmarks, red broken veins, and even deep thickened skin in the form of impressions. These small indentations cause an uneven reflection of light and so the marks look darker and worse than they really are.
Make-up is of little use because the skin is still uneven and impressions under the makeup are still visible.
After my acne was cleared I became determined to get the scars removed. This is an expensive undertaking if you go the medical routes of laser surgery, dermabraision treatments, or the oxalate crystals treatments.
None of these alternatives are guaranteed and can cause even more skin damage. My choice was to look at the acid peels and they too were quite pricey and could have complications.
However, I did find a company that carries an extremely effective product called “ Skin Peel 4000.” It was reasonable in price and they had 4 levels of peels, depending on how deep you needed to have your skin peeled.
No harsh chemicals and no complications. I was very impressed with their level of service as well. I did the peel and my scarring was dramatically reduced by at least 90%.
I get compliments on my skin – something I could only dream about in the past. I tried the peels and to my amazement they worked extremely well.
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