Saturday, February 14, 2009

Acne Fast Treatment Plan Day 3

Acne Fast Treatment Plan Day 3

Acne Free Cure Day 3:

Eat the rest of your apples and drink plenty of water. At dinner, have a treat by drinking some Grape Juice! NO GRAPE JUICE until the end of the day however.
Continue with the castor oil, as the effects are cumulative. Take 2 tablespoons of olive oil to restart your digestive system.

Drink a full glass of Grape Juice around dinnertime, and have another if you wish. Have the enema again, at the end of the day.

What to expect: Day 3 should be the interesting day. You may notice that you're using the bathroom a little more than on the previous days.

You might also have a slight headache -much like a hangover. A hot shower will help with this. You must drink lots of water! At least 60 ounces.

You will notice the acne really calming down and much of the sores and bumps quickly receding. It is important to also continue with your water and grape juice.

Now, some folks see a slight improvement that continues everyday for a month or so. For 98% of you, your acne has cleared up in 3 days. For those with resistant acne that hangs on a little, you will need to read and do the methods for resistant acne.

You have an extra step or 2 – BUT ALL acne sufferers would do well to read that section and follow the suggestions.

Please note: On the rare very occasions when I have had a report that the diet has not had as much effect as described, I always discover that either other food was taken, or the enema internal cleansing skipped, or smoking, use of drugs has occurred.

Since this has also been the case verified by the medical doctors I have referenced…I cannot be responsible for poor results as I leave the process of following directions up to you, the individual. Happily it is rarely an issue.

The Result:

After three full days of following these very specific directions, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my skin looked very clear! In fact, My Acne Completely DISAPPEARED on the fourth day! I also felt great, not to mention the five pounds I shed in the process!

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