Saturday, February 14, 2009

Acne Fast Treatment Plan Day 1

Acne Fast Treatment

Peel and eat as many apples as you want, and have as much water as you wish. I usually eat 9 or 10 apples; you can eat more, depending on the level of your hunger.

You MUST drink at least 60 ounces of water! You must use the castor oil on your skin! Enema at the end of the day.
Instructions for a thorough lower bowel cleansing. If you are on the apple fast I cannot emphasize this step enough. An enema is simply the cleansing of the lower bowel with water – or water and salt or baking soda.

On this fast, the reason this step is so important is that as the apples move through the digestive tract they actually absorb toxins from the blood passing through from the liver.
If you do not ensure you have passed all the apples at the end of each day, you are going to reabsorb the toxins and not have very good results. Again, in some cities there are clinics available that do this. They give what are called colonics.

Many of my clients in the UK and USA do this with fantastic results. However, you can achieve satisfactory results from home.

You will need to use mildly warm (not hot water) to do the cleansing. If you are going to administer the enema to yourself, you will need to do the following.

Lying on your left side, insert enema tube per instructions on the box. If you are using a fleet pre-prepared enema you will need to sit the bottle in hot water for 3 minutes to warm it. Vaseline can be used to make insertion easier. Fleet store bought enemas already have sodium in them. If your using an enema bag (also known as a douche apparatus) you will need to mix one quart of very mildly to almost cool water with one teaspoon of salt and baking soda.

After inserting the tube fill the lower bowel with water (empty the entire fleet enema, and if using the enema bag take in one half of the water in the bag.) Do this very slowly and maintain comfort. Hold for 3 – 5 minutes or until you have the urge to expel it. After you expel it do the same thing lying on the right side and then again in the “ knee and chest to floor” bowing position. You will have rinsed out the lower bowel 3 times. You will need to reuse the felt enema bottle since it is only good for one rinsing. It is important to do this every day of the fast and even again at the end of the first day “ after” you finish the fast.

Please note – an enema performed correctly is completely safe and very effective. IF you would rather have it professionally done please contact a clinic that performs the colonic. Most people fare just fine doing this themselves.

What to expect: I usually have no issues the first day. It'
s surprising how filling the apples can be. The castor oil will be thick but be sure to apply it every single evening.

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